The Camden and Islington Recovery College, which opened in 2014, offers a diverse range of courses to support people with their physical and mental wellbeing, as well as offering practical tips on the challenges of modern life. The courses are taught by tutors with lived and professional experience, and include courses such as Understanding Anxiety, Being kind to yourself, and Dance and Movement for Wellbeing. Anyone who lives or works in Camden and Islington are welcome to enrol, as well as Trust staff, service users, and carers.
This week, the Recovery College team hosted an afternoon of co-production conversations, where staff across the Trust, past and current students, and interested individuals from the community came along to share their views at St Luke’s Community Centre in South Islington.
Jane Faulkner, Interim Manager of the Recovery College said "Our students and collaborators are at the heart of everything we do at The Recovery College. Our team are always open to feedback around how to improve and develop our service and what we offer to the community. The co-production conversations that took place today gave us the time and space to connect to, and listen to, the students and partners of the Recovery College. It is the first of ongoing conversations and we are really excited about how this sharing will help us evolve our visibility and accessibility as we approach our 10th anniversary next year!”
The Recovery College will be hosting another event around creative collaboration on 18 October in Kentish Town. Everyone is welcome, including service users, carers, staff, past, current, and prospective students of Recovery College courses. To find out more about that event and book your free place, please click here
To find out more about the Recovery College and their catalogue of courses for the Autumn term, click here