Children and Young People Mental Health Service (CYPS)

  • Our Children and Young Peoples Service (CYPS) works with young people who are experiencing significant, severe and complex difficulties with their mental health. 

    These difficulties range from feeling low a lot of the time and worrying about lots of things to finding and fitting in with friends, hearing voices, having significant difficulties around eating, self-harming and suicidal thoughts. 

    While we all have difficulties from time to time, our mental health support service is here to support those young people whose difficulties are very distressing and/or seriously interfering with daily life.

    If you or your child are having a tough time, it’s important that you seek help. 

    Our children and young people’s service serve the boroughs of Barnet, Enfield, and Haringey. Each borough has several services on offer. Please follow the links below to find out more:

    Children and Young People Mental Health Serivce - Barnet

    Children and Young People Mental Health Service - Enfield

    Children and Young People Mental Health Service - Haringey

  • Borough(s): Barnet, Enfield, Haringey
  • Age range treated: 0-17

Conditions treated

  • Anxiety including Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
  • Depression including  Bipolar disorder 
  • Neurodevelopmental conditions
  • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
  • Autism/Asperger Syndrome 
  • Personality Disorders 
  • Trauma and attachment difficulties including Post-traumatic stress disorder
  • Psychosis  including schizophrenia 
  • Self-Harm
  • Complex under 5 presentations
  • Persistent eating problems
  • Anger and persistent behaviour difficulties
  • Persistent and entrenched family and parenting difficulties 

How to access this service

We have launched a new way to refer young people to our Children and Young People's service via the email and phone number below. 

New CYPMHS referral form

Useful Information

Crisis Helpline:
24-hour Crisis Telephone Service: 0800 151 0023
You can call this number to get help or advice in a crisis from our trained mental health advisors and clinicians, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

If you are worried about your immediate safety or have thoughts about hurting yourself or other people

Call 999 for emergency services

Useful organisations and helplines 

For telephone advice you can contact these organisations:


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