Aberdeen Park
- Borough(s): Islington
19 Aberdeen Park, Highbury, London, N5 2AR
- Phone number: 020 7226 0384
- Service hours: Visiting hours are 5.00pm-8.00pm
How to access this service
Referral is through a care co-ordinator
What to expect
Aberdeen Park offers 24-hour support for people in a therapeutic setting. We will work with you to develop recovery goals for your individual needs. You will be allocated a key worker and co-worker and there is regular input from a consultant psychiatrist, a psychologist and an occupational therapist. We will ensure that you are cared for in a safe environment, treated with empathy, dignity and respect and given support for your physical and emotional needs.
- 24-hour support for people in a therapeutic setting.
- Support to establish your recovery goals and receive an individual package of care.
- Individual treatment from trained nurses and highly motivated support workers, experienced occupational therapists and psychologists.
Service manager(s)
Rebecca Berrell and Lorna Williams-Brown (job share)