The Board have established a number of Committees in order to carry out functions on their behalf. A list of these Committees is set out below. A copy of the terms of reference can be found by clicking on the title of the Committee.
Audit and Risk Committee
Established to provide assurance to the Trust Board that appropriate and robust risk management and internal control procedures are in place.
Key areas of responsibility
- Financial reporting
- Internal controls and risk management systems
- Internal audit
- External audit
- Compliance, health and safety, whistleblowing and fraud
- Annual Report
Audit and Risk Committees Terms of Reference
New NLFT Audit and Risk Committee terms of reference to be available later in 24/25.
Finance and Investment Committee
To provide assurance with respect to the strategic Capital Programme, Capital business cases, and Treasury Management function. Reviewing new investment and business proposals. Overseeing business planning processes, Estates Strategy and IMT/Digital Strategy. Overseeing Procurement functions.
Key areas of responsibility
- Financial Performance Management
- Capital Management
- Treasury Management
- Investment Appraisal
- Resources
- Procurement
- Information Governance
View the Finance and Investment Committee Terms of Reference
New NLFT Finance and Investment Committee terms of reference to be available later in 24/25.
Mental Health Law Committee
To ensure that the statutory duties under the Mental Health Act (1983) and subsequent amendments are exercised reasonably, fairly and lawfully, and to oversee the provision of guidance to all staff in implementing the Mental Capacity Act with regard to its Code of Practice.
Key areas of responsibility
- Duties under Mental Health Act 1983
- Mental Capacity Act Code of Practice
View the Mental Health Law Committee Terms of Reference
New NLFT Mental Health Law Committee terms of reference to be available later in 24/25.
People and Culture Committee
To monitor the development and delivery of the People and Organisational Development Strategy consistent with the NHS People Plan. It will provide scrutiny and constructive challenge in to ensure both Trusts can deliver the People Strategy and be sustainable in the long term, including responsibility for the health and wellbeing of all staff. Provides assurance against regulatory requirements relating to workforce.
Key areas of responsibility
- Workforce Governance Assurance
- Resourcing
- Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in relation to staff
- Organisational Development
View the People and Culture Committee Terms of Reference
New NLFT People and Culture Committee terms of reference to be available later in 24/25.
Provider Collaborative Commissioning Committee
Oversee delivery of the provider collaborative arrangements when lead provider; and assure the Board that the delivery arrangements established under provider collaborative arrangements (where not the lead provider) enable effective management and performance of those services for the benefits of service users.
Key areas of responsibility
- Collaborative commissioning functions
- Sub-contractor financial, operational or quality performance
View the Provider Collaborative Commissioning Committee Terms of Reference
New NLFT Provider Collaborative Commissioning Committee terms of reference to be available later in 24/25.
Quality and Safety Committee
To provide scrutiny and challenge regarding all aspects of quality and clinical safety, including strategy, delivery, clinical governance and audit, in order to provide assurance and deliver appropriate reporting and/ or recommendations in relation to patient safety, clinical effectiveness and patient experience.
Key areas of responsibility
- Quality and Clinical Governance Assurance
- Regulatory Compliance
- Clinical Risk Management
- Service performance
- Equality, diversity and inclusion in relation to service users
View the Quality and Safety Committee Terms of Reference
New NLFT Quality and Safety Committee terms of reference to be available later in 24/25.
Remuneration and Nominations Committees
To determine the remuneration and conditions of service of Executive Directors, ensuring that these properly support the objectives of the Trust, represent value for money and comply with statutory and Department of Health requirements. It is also established to carry out the duties as laid out in the National Health Service Act 2006 and other guidance regarding identification of suitable candidates for Executive Director positions and approving appointments.
Key areas of responsibility
- Remuneration
- Nominations
- Remuneration policy and best practice
Remuneration and Nominations Committees Terms of Reference
- BEH Remuneration and Nominations Committees Terms of Reference
- C&I Remuneration and Nominations Committee Terms of Reference
New NLFT Remuneration and Nominations Committee terms of reference to be available later in 24/25.
Charitable Funds Committee
To ensure that charitable funds are managed in line with agreed policies on investment, disbursement and fundraising and compliance with statute and Charity Commission regulations.
Key areas of responsibility
- Charitable funds
Charitable Funds Committees Terms of Reference
New NLFT Charitable Funds Committee terms of reference to be available later in 24/25.