Staff Networks

The North London NHS Foundation Trust has 9 Staff Networks which are an integral part of our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) resources designed to promote diversity and inclusion in our workplace.

The networks bring together and provide a safe and confidential platform for colleagues with shared, and intersectional identities. They provide opportunities to discuss, celebrate and have a collective voice on the issues and topics that matter to them, and which impacts some of our most underrepresented groups across the wider organisations.

We currently have nine active staff networks, these are: 

  • Carers' Network
  • Disabilities Network
  • LGBTQ+ Network
  • Mental Health Network
  • Multifaith Network
  • Peer Practitioners' Network
  • Race Equality and Cultural Heritage (REACH) Network
  • Veterans' Community Network
  • Women's Network

Staff networks alliance

Carers' Network

Carers Network

The Carers' Network is a safe space for members to come together to provide support to one another. We discuss experiences, learn from and with each other and help the organisation to improve the experience of staff and patients who have caring responsibilities.

A carer is anyone who cares, unpaid, for a friend or family member who due to illness, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction cannot cope without their support.

Disabilities Network

Disabilities network

The Disabilities Network’s mission is to create an inclusive, supportive environment for staff with disabilities and long-term conditions. We understand that living with a disability or long-term condition can often lead to feeling isolated, which is why we have made it our vision to ensure that no one ever feels alone in their journey through work and life.

Our network is built on the core principles of empathy, understanding, and empowerment, offering a safe space for people of all abilities to connect, share experiences, and access vital resources. Rooted in the core values of our trust—kindness, respect, empowerment, collaboration, keeping it simple and being proudly diverse— the Disabilities Network embraces the diversity of the disability community. This means recognising that each person's experience is unique. We want to build a community of people with lived experience and allies to celebrate achievements and break the stigma that can be associated with disabilities and long-term conditions.

LGBTQ+ Network

LGBTQ network

The network aims to create a supportive working environment and policy framework for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ+) colleagues. The network also helps staff to understand the needs of LGBTQ+ individuals within the community.

The network promotes a culture in which all staff are included and respected irrespective of their sexual orientation or gender identity. It helps to develop the Trust’s policies on diversity and inclusion in relation to staff and service users. This is done through organising events and training on clinical and social issues of importance to the LGBTQ+ community.

We also work in collaboration with other public sector agencies’ staff and local LGBTQ+ groups. We have signed up to the Stonewall Diversity Champion Programme.

Mental Health Network

Mental health network

The Mental Health Network aims to enhance the quality of mental health services across the Trust by promoting collaboration, sharing best practices, and supporting staff wellbeing. 

The network aims to empower staff to seek help, share experiences, and develop resilience, enhancing the wellbeing of our workforce and the quality of care we provide to patients. Through education, advocacy, and collaboration, the network strives to ensure that mental health is recognised as a fundamental aspect of overall health, enabling every member of staff to thrive personally and professionally.

Multifaith Network

Multifaith network

The network aims include to promote inclusivity through bringing people together by celebrating various faiths and beliefs, to facilitate faith offering Quiet Rooms across our major sites so people can practice their faith at work and to provide guidance to the Trust whilst supporting our staff on faith matters.

Peer Practitioners' Network

Peer Practitioners

The Peer Practitioners' Network is an invaluable resource for mutual peer support and personal and professional networking.

The network is independent from, and complementary to, the peer-to-peer supervision that is already provided and creates a safe space where valued members and allies can work together in solidarity, empowering one another, so that no Peer Practitioner feels excluded.

The network is on a mission to encourage personal growth and empower Peer Practitioners to thrive in their roles, champion change and be subject matter experts across the new Trust.

Race Equality and Cultural Heritage (REACH) Network

REACH network logo

The REACH Network is an inclusive membership network open to all staff. It works to improve race equality in how we deliver our services and in how the organisation treats its employees.

The aim of the REACH Network is to help create a diverse and more inclusive and equitable workplace for all employees. This involves raising awareness of racial disparities within the organisation, advocating for policy changes to address these disparities, and providing support and resources to employees who have experienced racism or discrimination.

Veterans' Community Network

The Veterans' Community Network aims to bring together the Armed Forces community including veterans, reservists, cadet volunteers, family members and supporters of the Armed Forces.

Together, the network hopes to prevent the disadvantage associated with military service, upholding the Armed Forces Covenant and the legal duty, as detailed in the Armed Forces Bill (2021) to show ‘due regard’ to the Armed Forces community.

Women's Network

The Women’s Network is a space for women and allies.   

Building on the achievements of the C&I and BEH Women’s Staff Networks, the network is committed to continuing their work by creating an inclusive, accessible, and safe space for women and allies across our new trust.   

The new, joint Women's Network will be a supportive environment where individuals can share their experiences, voice their concerns, and nurture their ideas. The aim of the network is to bring out the richness, individuality, and excellence of women.   

The network will offer a platform to discuss and raise awareness of key issues that impact women, including career progression, health and work-life balance, gender equality, and diversity and inclusion.   

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