Community Rehab
The Community Rehabilitation Specialised Workstream, is an NCL wide project that aims to create a sustainable and affordable model across NCL, that addresses inequalities, spreads good practice and further improves outcomes for residents with severe and long-term mental illness within the community with a focus on successful prevention and optimising independency, to support people to live in the community as independently as possible.
The Community Rehabilitation Specialised Workstream consists of four workstreams looking at different parts of transforming Community Mental Health Rehabilitation services, which report into the Community Mental Health Rehabilitation Leadership Group.
Led by Josephine Carroll; Managing Director, Enfield Mental Health Division and Dr Ian Prenelle; Clinical Director Community Mental Health Transformation
Led by Richard Taylor-Elphick; Programme Director for North London Councils and Mary Jacobs; Assistant Director of Complex Individualised Commissioning ICB – Mental Health
The Care Market Development workstream aims to:
- Carry out high-level scoping of accommodation markets in each Borough and likely future demand from the population health outcomes workstream.
- Describe accommodation needs that we currently struggle to meet.
- Identify, share and spread good practice in different areas such as: effective housing pathways and move on
- Support development of the community rehabilitation Service Models and Pathways workstream
- Explore areas of potential collective action to support sustainable commissioning.
Led by Tim Miller; Joint Assistant Director for Vulnerable Adults and Children, ICB
The Out of Area Housing workstream aims to:
- Agree a common approach to providing care and treatment for people with psychosis and in a supported living or residential care home which is not in their ordinary residence.
- People moving between NCL boroughs.
- People moving from other areas into NCL.
Led by Akin Adepoju; Contracts Lead supporting Mental Health Commissioning, Enfield
The Population Health Outcomes (Outcomes & Finance) workstream aims to:
- Undertake a population health needs analysis looking a profile of current users of community rehabilitation services by demographic, borough or origin, residence, and diagnoses.
- Develop a common outcome and KPI set to enable learning, support quality improvement, enabled benchmarking and enable accountability across the system.
- Develop a cross-border funding model.
- Develop a costed version of the core offer service description, based on the outputs of the Service Models and Pathways workstream.
- Support the development of invest to save plans.
Led by Dr Saeed Alam; Consultant Psychiatrist, Barnet, and James Mass; Director of Adult Social Care, Barnet Local Authority
The Service Models and Pathways workstream aims to:
- Develop community rehab services and pathways across each Borough, using NICE Rehab Guidance and in line with the NCL Mental Health Core Offer